Breast Lift

Female, 5 Months

A 51-year-old female underwent a breast lift auto-augmentation, which involves using the patient’s own breast tissue to act as an implant). This was done to increase upper pole fullness and cleavage. Photos are from 5 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 17-year-old female underwent a breast lift to reshape and tighten the breasts after a reduction. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

An 18-year-old female underwent a breast lift after a reduction in order to remove excess skin and reshape the breasts after a change in size. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 6 Months

A 36-year-old female underwent a breast lift auto-augmentation. Her own breast tissue was removed and redistributed in order to reshape her breasts. Photos are from 6 months post-surgery.

Female, 6 Months

A 40-year-old female underwent a breast lift at the same time as an augmentation. Implants were placed under the muscle to restore volume, and then the breasts were lifted to eliminate sagging and improve shape. Photos are from 6 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 47-year-old female underwent a breast lift after having her implants exchanged. The lift was performed with the lollipop method for minimal scarring. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 64-year-old female underwent a breast lift auto-augmentation. Her own breast tissue was moved and lifted to act as an implant, giving her a fuller upper chest and accentuating her cleavage. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 1 Year

A 60-year-old female underwent a breast lift after expressing that her breasts were droopy and asymmetric, with the left breast larger than the right. The lift was performed with the lollipop method for minimal scarring. Photos are from 1 year post-surgery.

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