Breast Revision

Female, 3 Months

A 47-year-old female underwent a breast revision after experiencing pain with her current implants after a thick layer of scar tissue formed around them. Her implants were exchanged with Allergan Aesthetics Natrelle® moderate plus profile silicone implants, which were placed under the muscle (size 240cc). The hardened scar tissue was also removed during the procedure. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 51-year-old female underwent a breast revision due to painful encapsulated implants. Her implants were exchanged with Allergan Aesthetics Natrelle® moderate plus profile silicone implants, which were placed under the muscle (size 295cc). The hardened scar tissue was also removed during the procedure, and Dr. Leong placed strattice tissue mesh in the breast pockets to help prevent the hardened scar tissue from redeveloping.. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 22-year-old female underwent a breast revision. After her augmentation, the patient experienced symmastia (breasts touching in the midline). A capsulorrhaphy (internal tightening of the breast pocket) was performed in order to center the implants and separate the breasts. The same MENTOR® MemoryGel® Moderate Plus Profile silicone implants were used (size 440cc on the right, size 405cc on the left). Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 36-year-old female underwent a breast revision after having an augmentation with SIENTRA® silicone high profile implants (size 520cc). Within the first 3 months after her augmentation, the patient experienced “bottoming out,” which occurs when the breast implant is displaced below the breast fold. The patient works out regularly and was distressed at the animation (movement) of the implants when she engaged her chest muscles. Dr. Leong performed a revision 8 months post-augmentation with a pocket exchange (to under the muscle) and capsulorrhaphy (internal tightening of the breast pocket). Dr. Leong also added DuraSorb synthetic mesh in order to help reposition the implants and correct the animation. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery

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