Natural Breast Augmentation (Fat Transfer)

Female - 6 Months

A 51-year-old female presented with small, deflated breasts post-childbirth and menopause, and opted not to use implants. Instead, she underwent fat transfer to the breasts, with donor sites from her abdomen, flanks, outer thighs, and arms. To address post-menopausal skin laxity, she also received Renuvion (radiofrequency with helium plasma) skin tightening on these areas. Photos are from 6 months post-surgery.

Female, 5 Months

A 51-year-old female underwent a fat transfer to the breasts to improve fullness and shape. Photos are from 5 months post-surgery.

Female, 4 Months

A 20-year-old female underwent a fat transfer to the breasts to improve fullness and shape. Photos are from 4 months post-surgery.

Female, 8 Months

A 62-year-old female underwent natural breast augmentation. Her own fat was transferred to her breasts to restore shape and firmness after implant removal. Photos are from 8 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 64-year-old female underwent a breast auto-augmentation. Her own breast tissue was moved and lifted to act as an implant, giving her a fuller upper chest and accentuating her cleavage. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female 3 Months

A 49-year-old female underwent a breast lift with a fat transfer to restore breast fullness and shape. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 46-year-old female with a history of rheumatoid arthritis was concerned about breast implant illness. Her right saline implant had deflated, and she wanted the implants removed along with the capsule. Dr. Leong deflated the left implant in the office to allow the skin envelope to contract for best outcomes. An month later, the patient underwent removal of bilateral breast implants, removal of the capsule around the implants (capsulectomy), and fat transfer to replace the volume in the breasts. Liposuction was also done in the arms, upper back, flanks, and inner thighs. Photos are from 3 months post-procedure.

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