Neck Lift

Female - 3 Months

A 60-year-old female was unhappy with her neck appearance, noting pronounced platysma bands, loss of the cervicomental angle, and jowling. She underwent a lower face and neck lift with plastysmaplasty. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female - 3 Months

A 66-year-old female had long been unhappy with her neck and was also struggling with her weight. After successfully losing 80 pounds on her own, she noticed significant volume deflation in her face. She underwent a lower face and neck lift with fat transfer for volume restoration. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 1 Month

A 58-year-old female underwent a neck lift, which provided definition to her jaw and the area below. Photos are from 1 month post-surgery.

Male, 1 Month

A 66-year-old male underwent a neck lift for a more youthful, defined look. Photos are from 1 month post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 59-year-old female underwent a neck lift to tighten the skin and achieve a slimmer profile. This was combined with an Obagi Blue Peel on the face and neck to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 72-year-old female underwent a neck lift to correct prominent platysma bands. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 6 Months

A 49-year-old female underwent a neck lift for enhanced confidence! Photos are from 6 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 55-year-old female underwent a neck lift to reduce loose skin and improve jawline definition. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 62-year-old female underwent a neck lift to tighten up the area and firm loose skin. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

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