Tummy Tuck

Female - 3 Months

A 50-year-old female who regularly exercises but continued to experience a bulging abdomen, likely due to two previous vaginal deliveries. Examination revealed significant rectus diastasis. She underwent an abdominoplasty with muscle repair and liposuction of her flanks. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 1 Year

A 46-year-old female underwent a tummy tuck and liposuction of her flanks after experiencing bulging of her tummy due to having two children. The patient wanted to restore her waistline. Photos are from 1 year post-surgery.

Female, 4 Months

A 35-year-old female underwent a tummy tuck with muscle tightening. This was part of a Mommy Makeover. Photos are from 4 months post-surgery.

Female, 6 Months

A 36-year-old female underwent a tummy tuck as part of a Mommy Makeover. Her abdomen is smoother and firmer. Photos are from 6 months post-surgery.

Female, 6 Months

A 40-year-old female underwent a tummy tuck with muscle tightening at the time of a Mommy Makeover. Her abdomen is now smoother and more defined. Photos are from 6 months post-surgery.

Female 3 Months

A 49-year-old female underwent a tummy tuck with muscle tightening. Fat was removed and her skin was tightened in order to smooth and firm her abdomen. Photos are from 3 months post-surgery.

Female, 3 Months

A 43-year-old female underwent a tummy tuck after losing over 80 pounds through diet and exercise. The patient wanted to address excess skin and fat in the abdomen and pubic area. A fleur-de-lis tummy tuck was performed in order to remove the excess skin both horizontally and vertically. Fat was also removed from the pubic area, and the area was lifted. Photos are from 3 months post-procedure.

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