How Long is Recovery from a Tummy Tuck?

Newport Beach Tummy Tuck
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Regaining a pre-pregnancy body or losing large amounts of weight takes hard work, and you deserve to be proud of your efforts. The only thing holding you back from showing off your new figure might be loose abdominal skin and muscle. A tummy tuck can tighten this loose skin and let you enjoy the curves you have worked for

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes loose abdominal skin, tightens stretched or separated abdominal muscles, and removes excess fat to give you a flat, smooth-looking stomach. Dr. Karen Leong will determine what type of tummy tuck will produce your desired results

How Long is Recovery From a Tummy Tuck?

Dr. Leong will place you in a compression garment to help control swelling during your recovery. She recommends that you stay bent over at the waist for about a week to avoid putting any stress on the abdominal area. 

You can resume normal activities after two weeks, although Dr. Leong will make more specific recommendations during your follow-up visits. You may feel some fatigue for a few weeks while your body heals, but this will resolve on its own. 

What Is a Tummy Tuck Like?

Dr. Leong performs tummy tucks as outpatient procedures under general anesthesia. Dr. Leong chooses her incision based on the amount of loose skin and muscle involvement. People with significant loose skin and loosened abdominal muscles will usually need a full tummy tuck. This incision runs horizontally across the abdomen, low enough to hide easily and still allow you to wear a string bikini. Dr. Leong removes excess skin and re-sites the belly button to a more youthful position. She also tightens the abdominal muscles and may perform liposuction to achieve a sculpted figure. 

Patients with less excess skin and no need for muscle repair can receive a similar procedure that uses a smaller incision to tighten the skin called a mini tummy tuck. This procedure also includes liposuction to remove fat deposits from the abdominal area. 

What Results Will I See From a Tummy Tuck?

After a tummy tuck, your abdominal area will look smoother and tighter. Your waist will look more sculpted. For many people, a tummy tuck is a final step in the long process of reclaiming their body after weight loss or pregnancy. You can finally enjoy your shapely, contoured figure. 

Am I a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

Ideal candidates for a tummy tuck lead an overall healthy lifestyle and maintain a consistent weight. Dr. Leong recommends that patients be within 10-15 pounds of their goal weight or at least six months post-pregnancy before undergoing a tummy tuck

If your loose skin and abdominal fat deposits make you feel self-conscious, a tummy tuck may work for you. If your main concern involves a bulge of abdominal fat with no loose skin, you may be a better candidate for liposuction. A tummy tuck focuses on tightening loose skin and reconnecting separated abdominal muscles. 

Take the Next Steps

If you have questions about tummy tuck, please contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Leong. Call us at 949-264-5446 or fill out our online contact form. We look forward to meeting you! Dr. Leong serves Newport Beach and the Greater Orange County area.

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