Did you know that you can restore the youthful appearance of the upper face by treating the forehead and eyebrows? It’s called a brow lift, browplasty, or forehead lift.
Dr. Karen Leong in Newport Beach, CA, consults with patients requesting surgical repositioning of their heavy and drooping brows.
What is a Brow Lift?
Brow lifts are a popular rejuvenation procedure performed by a highly trained plastic surgeon for when the brow sags or the forehead elongates, creating a tired or angry appearance. Dr. Leong is an excellent surgeon who has performed open and endoscopic browplasty on both men and women with great results.
While brow lift surgery focuses on the brow itself, it may also improve the upper eyelids, crow’s feet, and portions of the forehead. Cosmetic injectables (wrinkle relaxers and dermal fillers) and laser skin resurfacing are commonly and safely combined with a brow lift for additional improvements to achieve smoother skin and an overall more youthful appearance. Come in for a consultation at our Newport Beach facility to discuss the options and learn details of our facial rejuvenation services and techniques.

What Is a Brow Lift Procedure Like?
Before surgery, markings are carefully made in the upright position with the brows at their lowest. The procedure can be done through local analgesia with or without light oral sedation or may require general anesthesia or IV sedation, depending on the complexity of the surgery. The incision technique used during a brow lift is determined based on the severity of sag, if the forehead is affected, and the position of the hairline. Dr. Leong offers the following surgical approaches:
Lateral Brow Lift (Open Incision)
This in office procedure is more appropriate for patients who have low-sitting, straight brows and normal forehead height who want to regain the arch to the brow. Two incisions, one for each brow, are made just inside the hairline above each eyebrow. Skin is removed to achieve the desired amount of lift.
Endoscopic Brow Lift
An endoscopic lift involves the placement of several short incisions behind the hairline and insertion of an endoscope, which allows direct visualization down to the area of the eyebrow as the surgeon releases its attachments. Through the camera of the endoscope, the brow tissue is suspended using various fixation techniques to lift the brow into its higher position.
Pretrichial Brow Lift
Also called the open browplasty incision, this places the incision at the top of the head just along the hairline. The open incision conceals scarring and provides a certain degree of controlled lifting during the procedure. The open incision works well for those with a sagging brow and frown lines as well as an elongated forehead and receding hairline.

Recovery and Results After a Brow Lift
Recovery following brow lift surgery varies in each patient although the procedure tends to be well tolerated by most. Overall, there will be some bruising and swelling in the upper face near the brows and possibly around the eyes. Cold compresses may help to reduce the swelling.
Dr. Leong advises patients to sleep upright for at least three nights following their surgery. It is important to avoid any movement or activities that may place stress on the face. The average recovery time from this procedure is about 2 – 3 weeks. The outcome can usually be seen immediately, resulting in a rejuvenated appearance that looks softer, more alert, and with a noticeable reduction in fine lines and sagging in the upper portion of the face.
Am I a Good Candidate For a Brow Lift?
As we grow older, skin laxity worsens and causes several portions of the face to droop. This is especially true about the upper face region of both women and men. When looking in the mirror, do you appear tired or angry or notice frown lines between the brows or along the forehead? Do you have drooping brows? Does forehead wrinkle relaxers such as BOTOX make your brow feel even heavier? If you answered yes, then a surgical brow lift by Dr. Leong may be the right cosmetic treatment for you.

It’s more important to focus on finding an experienced surgeon, like Dr. Leong, who can give you the results you want rather than choosing a surgeon with the lowest fees. The average cost starts at $6,500 plus facility and anesthesia, but the cost of brow lift surgery will vary based on the technique selected, the facility fee, anesthesia, and other factors. Once your treatment plan has been determined at your consultation, an estimate of costs will be discussed. Dr. Leong’s coordinator can also go over payment methods, and how to find low-interest financing so your surgery is easier to afford.
Whether you should get a brow lift or eyelid surgery will depend on where you have sagging skin and your aesthetic goals. You should candidly discuss your concerns with Dr. Leong so she can help you decide what is best for you. Many patients come in thinking they want an eyelid lift only to discover they actually need a brow lift and vice versa. With her experience, Dr. Leong can confidently help you decide on your treatment plan, so you get the results you want.
Many nonsurgical treatments, such as laser skin tightening and injectables (like BOTOX and Juvéderm), can give short-term improvements. However, a surgical brow lift is better if you want significant improvements and longer-lasting results. During your consultation, Dr. Leong can go over both your surgical and nonsurgical options so you can decide what is best for you.
Dr. Leong will go over surgical techniques during your consultation to help you understand the advantages of each. Some of the factors that may influence your choice are your hairline (taking into account both your current hairline and your risk of a future recession), the degree of skin sagging, and how much time you can devote to recovery.
When you choose a skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Leong, your brow lift results will look like you — only better. She will develop your treatment plan for your needs and goals, so you look refreshed and younger, not tight or surprised. During your surgery, Dr. Leong will focus on exact placement. The remaining skin and tissue will be smoothed, so your results don’t limit your facial expressions or lift your eyebrows too high.